South Romania Ministry
Tackling the Issue
We are the Garrett family! God began stirring our hearts for Romania more than 10 years ago. Because of a desire to see all people groups worship the Creator God, we feel specifically called to the unreached people living in the region of Oltenia. Romania is one of the most receptive European countries to the gospel, yet the southern part of the country is considered unreached with less than 2% of the population professing Jesus Christ as Lord. There are over 9000 villages in Southern Romania without access to a Gospel-preaching church.
In 2013, we moved our family to Southwestern Romania to disciple and equip Romanian nationals to take the Gospel to their communities and establish reproducing churches. To that aim, we work with children and youth ministry with the desire to train up leaders from the local church to lead these ministries.
In order to serve as missionaries to Romania, we need others to team up with us to be “fellow workers for the truth” according to 3 John. Local believers barely have the ability to support their local pastor, let alone workers like us who can provide extra support to the local churches and assist in new church plants.
These are conversations that encourage us in our purpose here in Romania:
When Carmen showed up for our language practice, she was very upset. She proceeded to tell me that she had just come from church where she met with her priest. She had asked him some questions and she was very distraught that he didn't know and told her to look up the answers online. I answered her questions and encouraged her that most of the answers she's looking for can be found in the Bible. No one has ever encouraged her to read the Bible before. As we left that day, Carmen told me she would begin reading Luke and we could talk about it during our next meeting.
In our next meeting, Carmen came with more questions as she was more than halfway through the book of Luke. We talked about how Jesus is the only way to God and how Jesus changes your life. That's when she told me that no one has ever talked about Jesus like I do. God is GOOD! He continues to draw Carmen to himself.
Nathan has a language partner named Dragos who has also been a person of peace (Luke 10). At their first meeting, Dragos was shocked, as most people are, that we would leave the States to come here and serve people and tell them about Jesus. He said that this was "breaking news" because people his/our age here are mostly just interested in drinking and serving themselves.
If you would like to be a part of this ministry by making a donation to sponsor Nathan and Brittany through SEND International, click here