Elpis is the Greek word for "Hope" and describes the Elpis Foundation's goal for Romania. The Elpis Foundation became ICE's initial partnership when it was founded in 1999.
Through this partnership, ICE provides summer camps and educational programs for children, assists with social and financial needs of the poor, provides nourishing meals to children at an orphanage in Ilisua, Romania, furnishes schools, delivers relief supplies to victims of seasonal flooding, helps establish churches in rural villages, assists in leadership development for church laity and pastors.
The Elpis Foundation is also the Romanian Satellite for TUMI (The Urban Ministry Institute). TUMI is a training program that equips church leaders with a solid Christian education and resources. The Elpis Foundation is translating the Capstone Curriculum into Romanian and conducting training sessions in poor rural regions.
"For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." ~ Romans 11:36
How You Can Get Involved with Elpis
We need volunteers for short-term mission trips for:
Vladeasa Ministry Center
Elpis Kindergarten
Prison bible study
Summer camps for teens and children
Soccer camps for orphanage
Medical clinics
Support for Developing Churches
For more information about our volunteer needs, please contact us.
Donate Items
We are always in need of many items to help us in our mission, including:
Additional support for Adi & Monica Gaspar (poor, rural pastor of multiple churches) as they need finances and a home
TUMI funding for support of a Training Coordinator and additional Translator
Publication of TUMI training materials
Kindles for TUMI training materials and bibles
Production of TUMI DVDs
TUMI funding for training sessions (travel, administration and training costs)
For more information about our material needs, please contact us.
The most important involvement you can lend to our mission is prayer. Please pray for these needs:
Adi and his wife Monica that God would open a way for them to be able to stay in Rastu Nou and that he may proclaim the gospel to the villagers
Spiritual protection for Elpis staff and their families
Church planting with SEND International
New staff members to help with administrative duties
Additional translating help
State support of teacher salaries
Development of partnerships with other ministries
Spread The Word
If you believe in the work that we are doing, help us spread the word about what we are doing and the impact we are making by "liking" or "sharing" our pages. People can't volunteer or donate to our cause if they don't know about it. This is a very real way you can support our efforts.
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